Sunday, February 3, 2008

Cradle Cap - Areas Wise Treatment Is Advisable

By Addam Devin

After two to three months of the birth of a baby, very often something scaly, crusty and oily occurs on her head. The areas that it generally occurs are the side of the ears and the eyelids. Of course, it can occur in other areas of the head and even in other parts of the body. This neonatal disease is known as cradle cap. Unlike any other diseases common to the babies, it is not harmful and sometimes vanishes without any treatment.

The most common treatment for cradle cap is the use of shampoo on the affected area and to wash it away clearly. Usage of oil is also another frequently used method of treating the skin condition. However, it is recommended that the separate treatment should be used for curing the disease in separate places. This specific treatment remains better and more effective. It is also not difficult to treat the skin condition on area basis.

When cradle cap occurs near the eyelids, it is advised to use shampoo to cure it. But parents should be careful about the fact that they are using mild shampoo for this purpose. A few drops of shampoo can be diluted to some water and used to wash the place. There is no hard and fast rule with regard to the dilution proportion. It may be a few drops or half cup or even a fifty/fifty mixture.

When cradle cap occurs in other parts of the body, it can be cured with oil. Any kind of oil, both vegetable and chemical can be used in good proportion on the affected area and then left for some hours. After a few hours, the greasy scales can be brushed away with something soft. It may be a little risky to brush away the scales. So, parents should be careful while applying this method.

Addam has extensive knowledge on dermatology, especially on cradle cap. His articles are informative and beneficent for those who are concerned with treatment of skin disease.

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