Saturday, January 12, 2008

What New Parents Should Know About Baby Diapers

By Jacob Sakol

When your first child arrives, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the decisions you'll need to make. I know from experience. You need to decide on the best baby formula, how best to manage your baby's sleep patterns, when and if you should nurse your child and dozens of things. You also need to decide on which diapers to use on your newborn. Though the choice seems simple enough at first ("Huggies or Pampers"), there's more to infant diapers than meets the eye. I'm going to provide you with some pros and cons of using disposable baby diapers over cloth, advice about which name brands to consider and some specific diapers that other parents recommend.

Disposable Vs. Cloth Baby Diapers

Both types of baby diapers have their proponents and detractors. While some people say that cloth ones are better for the environment and cost less, others suggest that disposable ones are better at keeping your baby dry and far more convenient for parents. In short, both sides are accurate. Both disposable and cloth baby diapers offer benefits unmatched by the other type. The best way for you to decide which type of infant diapers you should use with your child is to learn the benefits and drawbacks to each.

Huggies, Pampers Or Luvs Baby Diapers?

While it's true that newborn diapers aren't necessarily high-quality merely because they're produced by a well-known brand, the major brands are well-regarded by experienced parents. Huggies, Pampers and Luvs have built their businesses by creating diapers that provide comfort for your child, prevent leakages while keeping their skin dry and allowing maximum movement. Each brand produces several types of diapers. Some are more comfortable than others. All 3 brands have reasons to recommend them as well as downsides. Pampers and Huggies are the highest-priced of the major brands with Luvs considered as an economical alternative for parents on a tight budget.

Top-Rated Baby Diapers To Consider

Pampers Cruisers are especially well-regarded by both parents to whom I've spoken and Consumer Reports. They're higher-priced than other brands (and even other types of baby diapers within Pampers' line) for good reasons. They have excellent leakage prevention and a great design that will allow your child to move around comfortably when they start crawling and walking.

Huggies Baby-Shaped Diapers are also a great choice for new parents. They're designed to fit comfortably while providing excellent dryness for your baby. Some fasteners on newborn diapers are cumbersome to work with. But, the Baby-Shaped ones come with fasteners that are easy to use and offer a snug fit.

If you prefer to travel the cloth route, you may want to consider Kissaluvs Fitted infant diapers. These diapers come with convenient snaps that come in handy when you're trying to find the right fit for your baby. If you are using cloth diapers for a newborn, Kissaluvs come with top snaps that cover and protect your child's umbilical cord area.

Choosing The Right Baby Diapers

Because there are so many things to consider when selecting diapers for your baby, it's nearly impossible to make a definitive recommendation. Your choice depends on how much value you place on leakage protection, ability to keep skin dry, cost, mobility and other factors. Learn as much as you can about what the top-rated diaper brands and styles can offer before making your selection. With a little research and the information above, you'll find the right one for your child.

For more information on diapers please visit our website,

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