Thursday, February 21, 2008

Picky Eater Tips

By Cindy Maddy

There are the toddlers who love to eat, and the toddlers who don't. One thing we as parents need to keep in mind is that every child is unique and we need to be able to adjust our parenting style to each individual. What we do know is that our grandparent's way of doing things have long been outdated. It is possible to say that the old saying..."you are not leaving the table till you finish everything on your plate." .....has caused some health issues in our country as a whole. Children eat when they are hungry. Plain and simple. They don't eat because of emotional issues or because they are bored. When you approach your toddlers eating style in that respect, it might clear your head of the worries that your child isn't eating enough.

The next thing to really understand is the need for independence at this age. Toddlers need to be allowed to do things for themselves. You can assist this process by providing finger foods. Having cut up carrot sticks, celery sticks, apples, grapes, cheerios, and things of that nature, it will make you happy and your child. The other benefit to always having those types of snacks in the house is that they become part of Everyday FOOD. Most people don't follow the food pyramid and they should. Especially for your children. You need to also set a good example as well, they watch their parents and look at you as their roll models...set a good example. Eat the fruits and veggies too! It is a win win situation.

Include your child in the choices made at the grocerie store when you are in the produce isle. Ask your child if they would like some apples..and say it with enthusiasm. When we go to the store with my daughter she really gets excited over the bananas and the apples and the grapes and carrots. People actually give me funny looks about how my child is so excited about fruit and veggis. LOL I love it. It makes me feel like I am doing a good job as a parent.

We have been lucky in the aspect of candy with our daughter. She really doesn't ask for it at the store or does she eat a lot of it. One thing we have found to work well as a great substitute for candy is Karob chips. We found them in the bulk isle at Market of Choice. We all like a sweet snack at times, and our daughter loves them. She just thinks they are like M & M's ...yet these save her teeth! Wooo Hooo.

Cindy Maddy writes on parenting related issues. You can learn more by visiting my blog,

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