Sunday, February 3, 2008

Eco-Friendly Toys That Are Fun And Educational

By Louise Green

With all the recalls for toys made in China, it's important for parents to consider an eco-friendly or "green" alternative for buying toys. Green products in general are items that considered to be natural and/or organic - made of natural materials that are also biodegradable and recyclable. It's also a good idea to look for toys that don't use toxic dyes or any lead.

This is especially important because infants and young children tend to put alot of objects in their mouths, particularly when they are teething.

What I found when doing research on this topic is that there are many toy designers and toy manufacturers that now take all this into consideration. They not only consider the eco-friendliness of a toy, there's also a concern about durability, eliminating sharp edges, and not designing toys that have small parts that can fall off and be easily swallowed. So stuffed animal toys with glass or button eyes are out. Cloth and soft toys that are washable are now much more popular.

Now for the fun stuff. Toy makers design their products according to age group. For newborns and infants, there`s alot of mobiles that show brightly colored bold geometric shapes and patterns that work to a baby's ability to focus their eyesight. Some play soothing music - even Mozart and Beethovan.

Lots of toys fall into the activity or educational categories to keep the munchkins busy and entertained. Again, these are designed according to age group and dexterity levels. Many of these toys while being fun are also adorable. They're soft, safe, and washable too. Some of the bath toys play music, light up, and spin around. How fun is that? For a busy and full time working parent, bath time might be one of the few times where you get to spend quality time with your little ones.

You're there anyway, so it might as well be fun and entertaining. You can use the tub time to play with your kids with these wonderfully designed activity toys, and you know what? You'll have a blast too watching your baby play, learn, and of course, get clean.

I invite you to look at the website I designed. It provides a huge resource for current baby and child care, information, and supplies - many at a discount for parents (and doting grandparents too).

Louise Green is a freelance writer and researcher. She has designed a site that provides constantly updated information and extensive rources on baby and child care.

At the site there are links for discount and giveaway items needed for every new and veteran parent.

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