Friday, February 15, 2008

Cradle Cap - Focus On Managing It Well

By Addam Devin

While a single spot or scar on the body of a baby makes her parents worried, a rather ugly mark on a relatively larger area of the body is sure to make them concerned. The worst part is that it generally occurs on the head of the baby. It is cradle cap that is talked about here. It is a neonatal disease and the spot looks somehow crusty and greasy. Though not infectious, it has all the chance to spread to the other parts of the body.

Hence, it is highly advisable to be careful about it but in no way it is necessary to be worried about it. Parents cannot but get concerned about any neonatal disease thinking that it irritates the baby or cause her pain. The usual cry of the baby is taken as a result of the pain caused by the disease. However, there is nothing painful about cradle cap. It is not irritating also.

Since it is a harmless disease and does not disturb the baby in any serious way, it is necessary for parents to manage the disease well rather than trying to cure it. There is no hard and fast rule laid down by the specialists as to how to manage it well. There are lotions made by commercial agencies. These lotions can be used to keep the disease well under control. Or other homely methods can be applied.

Cradle cap can be managed properly by using shampoo. A few drops of mild shampoo can be mixed with some water used to wash the affected area. The scales will drop off and the spot will look good. Vegetable or mineral oils also can be used on the spot and the oily scales then be brushed away. Pastes made from natural herbs may also be another good means of managing cradle cap.

The Addam has extensive knowledge on dermatology, especially on cradle cap. His articles are informative and beneficent for those who are concerned with treatment of skin disease.

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