Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Must Know Toddler Tips

By Cindy Maddy

There are no instructions that come when you have a child. However, thanks to the internet and other moms with time on their hands, we can come together to help each other out. There are always going to be the tough times. There will always be tough ages as well. That is why I have put together the best Toddler Tips all in one place.

How to ENJOY the Toddler Years

As I watch my 2 year old daughter everyday, I fill with joy. This is one of my favorite times; not only in my life but in her life as well. She is so full of happiness and with that brings me happiness. She is always ready to learn more, and is full of excitement and enthusiasm.

I have found that by setting good examples and understanding she is a TODDLER, I am not really facing the dreaded "terrible two's" stage. I can take her in public, I can have people over or go to other peoples houses. I have found that she responds better to me when I listen to her instead of enforcing the "do as I say" or "because I am the parent" rules on her. I give her room to be the little "big" girl that she is.

Potty Training Tips

We let her decide when to introduce the "potty" to her. We let her watch us go to the bathroom and explained the whole thing to her since she was born really. Then when she was 16 months old she woke up from a nap and pulled me into the bathroom. She pulled down her pants and asked me to help with the diaper. She then implied that she wanted to sit on the toilet. She didn't go to the bathroom at that point..but she did take the toilet paper and pretend to wipe and then flushed the toilet. I was in awe. After that we went to the store and bought her a "Potty" of her own. Over the last 6-7 months we have just let her get used to it on her own terms. And now she just turned two and is jumping leaps and bounds with understanding what the whole thing is all about. She knows what to do and where to do it when the time comes. We make a big deal about it too..when we hear the music go off due to her going in the potty!

Toddler Sleeping Tips

We let our daughter sleep with us since day one. Everyone has had something to say about it as well. Don't let that bother you if you do it. They are only going to be with you for a short amount of time. Cherish every moment! However, now that she is 2 she takes up the WHOLE bed. We don't' get a good night sleep and neither does she. We have had her crib next to our bed since she was 6 months old and have slowly introduced it to her. We did try the leave her in it and see if she will learn to self soothe. It doesn't work! Well, not for us. It hurts us too much to hear her cry with such hurt feelings. So what we ended up buying was a toddler bed to put in her room. Again, we don't force it on her. It has been over 2 months and she has slept with us maybe 5 times. She ASKED for the crib or the toddler bed. It has become her choice and a fun thing to do.

Cindy Maddy writes on parenting related issues. You can learn more by visiting my blog,

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