Thursday, January 24, 2008

Make Room for Baby

By Ron Maier Jr.

Before you welcome your new bundle of joy home, you need to prepare. This can include baby proofing your house, top to bottom. But it also has its fun points too! Preparing your baby's nursery can be a lot of fun. If you are inexperienced with creating a nursery that's user-friendly, then you may need some tips. Everyone will have advice for you. We're going to discuss the things that you may not have considered about your nursery set up. Don't fret; just keep these few basic points in mind and you'll have a wonderfully welcoming, usable nursery for your new baby.

The first thing to think about is your baby's sleeping situation. You want a modern crib and not too much bedding. Check on current safety standards before you purchase either. When you get your crib and bedding home, it should be the first thing that you put into the room. Consider your placement wisely. Often the place that seems the best isn't the best at all. Better to consider why you might want the crib in a certain place now rather than finding out later that it wasn't such a good idea. Then you might end up rearranging the whole room.

The first thing to consider is sunlight. The crib needs to be where the baby isn't going to get a ray of sunlight or intense heat when the sun comes up in the morning. This is especially important if your windows don't have UVA/UVB sunlight protection. Little babies can sunburn very easily. The next consideration is noise. A squeaky door can interrupt precious sleeping time. Experiment in the room with your television on. See where the quietest place is. If the nursery is at the end of your hallway, then television noise from the living room can be amplified into the baby's room.

Many parents choose to put a single bed for a grown-up into the nursery as well. If you have good storage area, then you might want a cot in the baby's room. This way, if the baby is sick or just needs you in the room, you've got somewhere that you can relax and sleep. Just make sure that if you have a cot or other folding bed, that it is where the baby can never get to it. A chain lock up high on a closet door is a good option for keeping the closet off limits.

You can really make space in the room by utilizing an off-limits closet. You can easily install a medicine cabinet up high in the closet to keep all of the essentials close at hand. Use childrens hangers to hang special outfits up high. You might even decide to install shelving for all of your other baby clothes needs. Not having a dresser is a money saving, safe, space saving option for parents looking to maximize space.

About the Author: Ron Maier is the owner of Only Kids Hangers, a leading provider of childrens hangers. The right childrens clothes hangers really make the difference in kid's retail or home organization.

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